559-313-7383 BillSpady@gmail.com

IP 4

Creating an Empowering Learning Community Make An AppointmentAbout Me

Creating an Empowering Learning Community

Illuminating Pathway 4

Fostering Every Child’s Unique Energies and Talents

Do you want to create or lead a community of learning that fully develops the three levels of learners’ Vast Empowering Essence as they grow their unique gifts and become their very best?  That’s the focus of this fourth IP, and it will require that you think beyond what we all know as ‘school’ and:

IMAGINE creating an entity that focuses more on learner interests, talents, innate potentials, and personal development than on the content of politically mandated curriculum standards and reading materials;

IMAGINE creating, developing and implementing learning processes focused more on significant life issues, challenges and topics learners love than on prescribed subject content;

IMAGINE creating and organizing daily and weekly schedules so learners can devote themselves fully to in-depth projects they have designed and are deeply committed to exploring and creating; 

IMAGINE engaging with educators who are “lead learners,” eager to discover with and guide children, rather than “teaching” only what they themselves already know; and

IMAGINE learners interacting continuously with educators and peers who choose their words and actions based on life-enhancing principles they hold deeply and the Vibrant Spirit that lies within them.

What you’re imagining, then, is an Empowering Learning Community (ELC).  It’s the visionary, creative alternative to the standardization and accountability mandates prevalent in ‘modern’ countries – mandates that have drained the life and Empowering Essence out of learners, educators, and education itself. 

Parents across the world are searching for enlightened, empowering models like ELCs for their children, alternatives that honor, embody and foster:

Unconditionally Respectful Interactions – that reflect and model a culture of caring, compassion, collaboration, and teamwork among all participants;

 Life Affirming Experiences – that continuously engage learners in real-life activities, which address the issues, concepts, and abilities fundamental to effective performance and harmonious living; 

Learner-Led Explorations and Exhibitions – that reflect and enhance the natural curiosity, interests, talents, sense of adventure and Vibrant Spirit in each learner;

Empowering People and Processes – that model, inspire and support all learners to fully develop and express their capacities for Conscious, Creative, Collaborative, Competent, and Compassionate living;

Integrated Resources and Technologies – that provide all learners with continuous and seamless opportunities to acquire, process, interpret, apply, and communicate information from sources, experts, and peers across the globe; 

Unlimited Opportunity and Support – that encourage and directly assist all learners to progress as far as their capabilities and Vast Empowering Essence will take them in any area of learning at any given time, regardless of their age or educational standing.

So if this is what you seek for your child or community, please CONTACT ME. Empowering Learning Communities like this deserve to flourish, and I will assist you in creating and implementing one that serves you.

What I Can Help You With:

Illuminating Pathways 1-5



Igniting Your Vast Empowering Essence


Leading from Your Empowering Essence


Breaking Out of Education’s Disempowering Paradigm  


Creating an Empowering Learning Community


In-Depth Mentoring