559-313-7383 BillSpady@gmail.com

IP 2

Leading from Your Empowering Essence Make An AppointmentAbout Me

Leading from Your Empowering Essence

Illuminating Pathway 2

This second Illuminating Pathway translates the three-level journey of remarkable revelation and practical implementation that you experienced in IP 1 into a uniquely powerful approach to leadership that combines:

Your transformative, life-expanding experiences and three levels of Vast Empowering energies, with

A compelling model of leadership processes and change strategies called Total Leaders (TL)

I call this exceptional integration of complementary energies HeartPowered Leadership (HL). 

The Total Leaders Model

The acclaimed Total Leaders model emerged from the synthesis of a vast body of research on effective leadership and organizational change conducted by Dr. Charles Schwahn and myself.  We translated that work into a compelling framework and strategic-design change process that drew immediate national attention and led to our two best-selling books – Total Leaders:  Applying the Best Future-Focused Change Strategies to Education (1998) and Total Leaders 2.0: Leading in the Age of Empowerment (2010).

Remarkable Synergy

HL transcends conventional leadership models by linking your deep, multi-dimensional inner resources and empowering essence with TL’s powerful practicality and highly effective strategic tools.  You will benefit from the remarkable synergy that’s achieved here as each model’s effectiveness and impact is multiplied by integrating:


Theoretical possibilities with tangible action

Your HeartPower attributes with TL’s strategic applications

Your personal qualities with documented organizational improvements

Your quantum essence with TL’s five major change strategies

Your visionary ideas with compelling constituent needs

HL’s creative potentials with mountains of documented TL research

HL’s unique vision with specific demands for change


YOU, a HeartPowered Authentic Leader

This great multiplier/synergy effect directly strengthens the leadership domain that TL calls the Authentic Leader, a person whose sense of self, moral foundation, integrity, and steadfast purpose is central to the impact of the TL model.  Those ‘attractor qualities’ will now be greatly strengthened by the three levels of Empowering energies ignited in IP 1.  This unique, matchless combination serves as the driving force in the transformational HL-TL change process – a process that inspires, empowers, elevates, and ‘sticks’. 

Imagine yourself as a strong HeartPowered Authentic Leader, who: 

Projects a compelling vision of what your organization can become

Leads your colleagues beyond ‘safe’, status-quo thinking and practices 

Replaces your organization’s dissonant, disempowering features with win-win empowering ones

Embodies the natural flow of your innate leadership essence

Becomes “the lead learner, lead teacher, lead role model, and lead mentor” to your colleagues and greater community.

Tangible Results

With YOU exercising your HeartPowered Leadership, your organization will flourish with a new sense of purpose, cohesion, and effectiveness. 

And, your colleagues will thank you for leading fully from your Authentic Self and Vast Empowering Essence; for being their admired personal and professional role model; and for awakening them to their own unrealized empowerment and potential. 

Please step forward and become a HeartPowered Leader.  CONTACT ME to schedule a time and congenial way to take this next bold step in empowered living. 



What I Can Help You With:

Illuminating Pathways 1-5



Igniting Your Vast Empowering Essence


Leading from Your Empowering Essence


Breaking Out of Education’s Disempowering Paradigm  


Creating an Empowering Learning Community


In-Depth Mentoring